This is the Privacy Policy of Amore, an AI girlfriend chat app available on iOS 17+ ("the App"). In order to provide the Services, we collect and process personal information. This Privacy Notice governs how Amore collects, uses, stores, and discloses personal information that we obtain through or from:
- Individuals who visit, access, download, or use the App
- Your direct communications with us
- Any other interactions through which you provide Amore with personal information
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this Privacy Notice and/or our data practices, or would like to exercise your rights, do not hesitate to contact us at
IF YOU ARE A CALIFORNIA RESIDENT: If you are a resident of California, this entire Privacy Notice applies to you. However, please see the section titled "Additional Information for California Residents" below, which will inform you in detail about our information collection practices and your specific rights.
IF YOU ARE AN INDIVIDUAL LOCATED IN THE EEA: If you are located in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), this entire Privacy Notice applies to you. However, please see the Section titled "Additional Information for Individuals in the European Economic Area" below, which will inform you in detail about our legal bases for processing and which rights you have in connection with our processing of your personal data.
IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF NEVADA: If you are a resident of Nevada, this entire Privacy Notice applies to you. However, please see the Section titled "Notice for Nevada Consumers" below, which will also apply to you.
This Privacy Policy covers what Amore ("Amore," "the App," "we," "our") does with the Personal Information (as defined herein) that you share with us and the data we collect when you access our App and/or use our Service. Personal Information about our users is an integral part of our business, so please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using or accessing our App or Service, you agree to the privacy policies outlined below.
What Does this Privacy Policy Cover?
This Privacy Policy covers Amore's treatment of Personal Information that we collect while you are using the App and the Service. This policy does not apply to the practices of third parties that Amore does not own or control, including but not limited to third-party services you access through Amore, the App, or the Service, or to individuals that Amore does not employ or manage. As our Service integrates with third-party sites and other sites and social networks, we assume that you are already aware of the privacy policies of those other sites and networks when using our App and/or our Service and when you allow us to interact with these sites and networks on your behalf.
The Service
The key functionality of Amore is an AI chat application where users can engage in conversations with an AI girlfriend to find happiness and joy ("the Service"). It allows individuals ("Users") to chat and communicate with an AI girlfriend through various media including text, audio, and other interactive features.
Information We Collect
There are three basic ways we collect information:
Information You Choose to Give Us:
By using Amore, its App, and/or its Service, you provide us with Personal Information that may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Personally Identifiable Information: This may include information provided when you register to use the App and/or the Service, such as your name, profile picture, date of birth, phone number, address, email address, occupation, employer, gender, age, and preferences. It may also include information from your social network accounts, such as usernames, 'likes,' and friend lists.
- The information you choose to provide may be shared with other users of the Service who are connected to you. You have control over your profile information and can modify it at any time. Your profile may be discoverable by other users unless you opt-out.
- You may choose to share your mobile device's contacts list with us to enhance our service, such as connecting with friends on our platform. If you do not want us to store this information, you may opt-out through your account settings or notify us via email. Not storing this information may limit some features of our service.
Please note that any content you send through the services can be saved or copied by the recipient. Exercise caution and avoid sharing messages or content that you wouldn't want someone to save or share.
When you contact Amore Support or communicate with us, we may collect the information you voluntarily provide.
Information We Get When You Use Our Services:
When you use our services, we collect information about how you interact with them. This includes:
- Usage Information: We collect information about your activity on our services, such as which features you use and the frequency of use.
- User Contributed Content: As you use the App, you may create or upload different types of content, including photos, text, messages, posts, URLs, and videos ("User Contributed Content"). Please be mindful of your privacy and the privacy of others when uploading User Contributed Content.
- Communication with Other Users: We collect information about how you communicate with other Amore users, including names, time and date of communications, the number of messages exchanged, and your interactions with messages.
- Device Information: We collect device-specific information, such as hardware model, operating system version, unique identifiers, browser type, language, and mobile network information.
- Location Information: With your consent, we may collect information about your location using methods such as GPS, wireless networks, and sensors.
- Information Collected by Cookies and Other Technologies: We may use cookies and other technologies to collect information about your activity, browser, and device. These technologies help us improve our services. You can usually remove or reject cookies through your browser settings, but this may affect the availability and functionality of our services.
1. Information We Get from Third Parties:
We may receive information from third parties to enhance our services. This information is subject to the third parties' privacy policies.
Log Information:
We also collect log information when you use our website, including details about your usage, device information, access times, IP address, and identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies.
Your information may be stored on our servers for content moderation and community safety monitoring purposes. Please be aware that any shared information may become publicly available, and we are not responsible for its use or misuse by others.
We take the privacy and security of your personal information seriously. For further details on how we handle and protect your information, please review the remaining sections of our Privacy Policy.
Marketing Activities
If you are located in the Designated Countries and are a current User, we will only contact you by electronic means (such as email or SMS) according to your communication preferences and/or with information about our Services that are similar to the Services you previously purchased from us or expressed interest in.
For new users located in the Designated Countries, we will contact you by electronic means for marketing purposes only based on your consent or based on your friends' consent. You can withdraw your consent or change your marketing communication preferences at any time and free of charge. To opt out of emails, please click the "unsubscribe" link at the end of marketing emails. Please note that marketing communications are promotional in nature and do not include transactional or service-related communications.
Information We Collect from Third Parties
We may collect information that other users provide about you when they use our services. For example, if another user allows us to collect information from their device's phonebook, and you are one of their contacts, we may combine the information we collect from their phonebook with other information we have collected about you. We may also obtain information from other companies that are owned or operated by us or from any other third-party sources and combine it with the information we collect through our services.
How We Use Information
We provide you with an amazing set of products and services that we constantly improve. Here are some of the ways we use your information:
- Develop, operate, improve, deliver, maintain, and protect our products and services.
- Communicate with you.
- Monitor and analyze trends and usage.
- Personalize the services by suggesting friends, profile information, or customizing the content we show you, including ads.
- Enhance the safety and security of our products and services.
- Verify your identity and prevent fraud or other unauthorized or illegal activities.
- Use information we've collected from cookies and other technologies to enhance the services and your experience with them.
- Enforce our Terms of Service and other usage policies.
We may also store some information locally on your device. For example, we may store information as local cache so that you can open the app and view content faster.
How We Share Information
In certain instances, we may share your personal information with third-party service providers to further improve and optimize our service for you. We may share information about you in the following ways:
- Information about you, such as your username and name.
- Information about how you have interacted with the services, such as the names of users you are friends with, and other information that will help users understand your connections with others using the services. For example, because it may not be clear whether a new friend request comes from someone you actually know, we may share whether you and the requestor have Amore friends in common.
- Any additional information you have consented to us sharing. For example, when you allow us to access your device's phonebook, we may share information about you with other users who have your phone number in their device's phonebook.
With all users and the general public:
- Public information like your profile pictures that you submit to Amore. If a Amore service is streamed on the web or broadcast in some other media, it may be viewed by the public at large.
With our affiliates:
- We may share information with entities within the Amore family of companies.
With third parties:
- With service providers, sellers, and partners: We may share information about you with service providers who perform services on our behalf, sellers that provide goods through our services, and business partners that provide services and functionality.
- With third parties for legal reasons: We may share information about you if we reasonably believe that disclosing the information is needed to:
- Comply with any valid legal process, government request, or applicable law, rule, or regulation.
- Investigate, remedy, or enforce potential Terms of Service violations.
- Protect the rights, property, and safety of us, our users, or others, or detect and resolve any fraud or security concerns.
- With third parties as part of a merger or acquisition: If Amore is involved in a merger, asset sale, financing, liquidation, bankruptcy, or acquisition of all or some portion of our business by another company, we may share your information with that company before and after the transaction closes.
- In the aggregate or after de-identification: We may also share aggregated or de-identified information with third parties, such as advertisers, that cannot reasonably be used to identify you.
You expressly agree that information provided when you register the App and/or the content you create when using the App (including, without limitation, photos, text, messages, posts, HTML, URLs, pictures, video, and other content) may be recorded, stored, published, and made available to other Amore users. Furthermore, other users may follow you on the App, and your followers can see, for example, the user-contributed content that you have uploaded to the App. Individuals reading this information may use it or disclose it to other individuals or entities without our control and without your knowledge. We, therefore, urge you to think carefully about including any specific information you may consider private in the information you provide or the content you create in the App.
Your information may be stored and processed in any country in which we provide service due to server facilities and third-party service teams. By using our service, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.
If you do not agree with all of the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our service. Community safety is our number one priority, and some of the above user information is mandatory to create a safe community for all users.
Information You Choose to Share with Third Parties
The services may also contain third-party links and search results, include third-party integrations, or be a co-branded or third-party-branded service that is provided jointly with or by another company. By accessing those links, using the third-party integration, or using a co-branded or third-party-branded service, you may be providing information (including personal information) directly to the third party, us, or both. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for how those third parties collect or use your information. If you use a profile that may be available to others on our Service, you are solely responsible for its content and accuracy at all times. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of every third-party website or service that you visit or use, including those third parties you interact with through our services.
How Long We Keep Your Content
Please be aware that users who see the content you provide can save it using various techniques such as screenshots or any other image-capture technology. Additionally, digital information can be accessed forensically or found in a device's temporary storage. While we cannot promise a specific timeframe for the deletion of user information from our app, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to remove your data from our servers after your account deletion request. Please note that certain information may remain in archived/backup copies for legal purposes or as required by law (for instance, some "traffic data" may be kept for one year to comply with statutory data retention obligations).
How We Protect Your Information
Protecting user privacy and personal information is a top priority for us. We process your personal information to improve and enforce our security measures, combat spam, malware, malicious activities, or security risks, and to monitor and verify your identity to prevent unauthorized access to your account. Access to any user information is restricted to our employees, contractors, agents, and third-party service providers ONLY who need to know the information in order to provide, operate, develop, maintain, support, and optimize our service experience and security. We use password protection, access logs, and system monitoring to safeguard the confidentiality and security of all user information. However, due to the inherent nature of the internet and related technology, we cannot guarantee the protection of information under our control against loss, misuse, or alteration.
Control over Your Information
We want you to be in control of your information, so we provide you with the following tools:
- Access and Updates: We strive to let you access and control the personal information that we have about you. While we aim to accommodate your requests, there may be limitations. We may reject a request if it risks the privacy of other users or is unlawful. You can access and update your account information directly in the app by visiting the app's Settings page. If you need to access, update, or delete any other personal information that we may have, you can submit a request through the app. To ensure your privacy, we may ask you to verify your identity or provide additional information before allowing access or updating your personal information. You can also remove our service from your mobile device or initiate the account deletion process.
- Revoking Permissions: If you change your mind about our ongoing ability to collect information from certain sources that you have previously consented to, such as your phonebook, camera, photos, or location services, you can revoke your consent by changing the settings on your device if those options are available. However, please note that revoking permissions may result in certain services losing full functionality.
- Account Deletion: You have the option to remove your data at any time. Account deletion can be initiated within the app. Upon your request, we will temporarily disable your account to prepare for removal. During this time, you can cancel your deletion request, and we will reactivate your account. After 30 days, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to remove your data from our servers. Please note that some information may remain in archived/backup copies for legal purposes or as required by law, such as certain "traffic data" that may be retained for one year to comply with statutory data retention obligations.
We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for our users, and we continuously strive to improve our privacy practices and enhance user control over personal information.
Analytics and Advertising Services Provided by Others
We may allow other companies to use cookies, web beacons, and similar tracking technologies on our services. These companies may collect information about your usage of the app and other websites or online services over time and across different platforms. This information may be used to analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, and better understand your online activity.
Furthermore, some companies may use the information they collect on Amore to deliver targeted advertisements on our behalf or on behalf of other companies, including on third-party websites and apps. Amore currently does not respond to "do not track" signals that may be sent from your device. If we decide to do so in the future, we will provide information about this practice in an updated version of our privacy policy.
Children's Privacy
Amore is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly target the app to children under 13 years old or collect personal information from them. If you are under the age of 13, please refrain from registering and providing any personal information through the app.
If you are between the ages of 13 and 16 and reside in the EEA (European Economic Area), we will obtain verifiable consent from you, your parent, or your guardian to collect personal information to the extent required by applicable law.
Revisions to the Privacy Policy
We may update this privacy policy periodically. When we do, we will notify you through various means. This may include revising the date at the top of the privacy policy available on our website and within the mobile application. Additionally, we may provide you with additional notice, such as adding a statement to the homepage of our website or sending an in-app notification.
Support Information
If you have any questions or comments about Amore, you can reach out to our support team via email at We will verify and process your inquiry within 15 business days from the date of your email and provide you with feedback.
Please note that this privacy policy applies specifically to Amore, the AI girlfriend chat app, and the information collected and processed within the app.